Proof of Concept Test "Buzz Ride" – 24 November 2013

Louise Gagnon writes… 

Buzz rides?  Yes, shorter, harder, and faster Sunday morning rides for those who are “time poor” due to family/career responsibilities and therefore can only afford a 3 hour outing. We are planning on starting such twice monthly rides in March 2014 but first we had to iron out the bugs. And thus 7 of us departed Guildford at 9 AM on our fast machines. We finished at 11:30 AM after a great 36 mile ride at an average pace of 13 MPH, including 700 meters of elevation. Much feedback was gathered at the coffee stop following the ride; thanks everyone!  All we need now is to secure the participation of enough Ride Leaders, preferably on a roster basis so that a leader only leads once every 6 weeks or so. Interested in ride leading Buzz Rides? You don’t need to currently be a Ride Leader- we’ll sort that out.  Please give me a shout at  

L to R:  
Pat Daffran, Louise Gagnon, Phil Hamilton, John Child, Ron Griffin and Gillian Spencer (Photographer: Jules Lowe).  

December 2013 Rides #2

Next it was the turn of the ‘Sunday’ riders – those hard men who nevertheless enjoy a good Christmas nosh as much as anyone – perhaps more so: they’ve usually ridden further to get it! Once again it was an excellent ride to the Blue Ship, that well hidden gem wot sells ultimate flat beer. I tell you, I could so easily have had that second pint – and then struggled with the home run – big time!

Thanks to Clive (on the right) for co-ordinating this motley group and leading wonderful rides all year. I hope you’re looking forward to being President of the club for about 50 years sometime in the future – you deserve it.
And here are a few more shots from this superb day of cycling: the weather really couldn’t have been better for December. Don’t forget you can click on an image to see it bigger!

December 2013 Rides #1

It’s that time of year when the ride ‘lunch’ has greater cachet. Not quite sure why because lunch is always good on our rides – well done, ride leaders, you invariably choose the venue well.

Last Sunday’s Guildford and Godalming Wayfarer’s ride advertised the lunch as a Christmas lunch! Well why not! I saw nothing particularly festive eaten, but it was still a good event, with a good turnout. And here everyone is…

 Group leader, Peter Fennemore, is resplendent in red top. Job well done, Peter, thanks from everyone for a great year of rides
There’s Roger Philo, our President, in his AUK top (2nd left) and Louise Gagnon, our Chair (person) in blue (2nd from right)

Here are a few photos from the ride…

Who’s that chap chap riding like he was in France? Never seen him before!

Sartorially Splendid Cyclists of the West Surrey

In response to a comment about there being no photo of Don in his lederhosen – I can assure you there is: see October 15 ride – it would seem appropriate to re-post a couple of photos for everyone’s amusement. (And I thought I was the one into self-advertising!)

And here’s Don receiving his award for daring to wear his lederhosen outfit in the Surrey Hills. Will Bob receive something in due course? A budgie perhaps!

Farnham Group ~ 10th November Ride

Hugh’s photo was taken at Gibbet Hill on 10th November on the Farnham ‘ 2nd Sunday’ Ride. The weather was perfect and we could see, if looking in the right direction, the outskirts of London. (Or even the centre: Docklands, City, skyscrapers etc? – ed)