Charity Ride for the halow project

Halow Project Image


 My name is Hannah Adair and I work for the halow project, a Guildford based charity supporting young adults with a learning disability across Surrey.

 The halow project is currently recruiting for the halow250 charity bike ride which is on 2nd May- 4th May 2014, 250 miles in 48 hours taking in some of the best English and French countryside. The ride has a unique route and is our premiere fundraising event of the year aiming to raise significant funds for our work helping young people with a learning disability live the life they choose, as independently as possible. I was wondering whether you could help us promote this event to your members and supporters as this year we are aiming to have 100 riders in the event?

 I have attached some information on this fantastic ride and pdf of a poster which perhaps you may consider advertising to your members? I would be happy to send hard copies of the poster and also we have a photo and short description which you could use in a newsletter, facebook page or twitter if you would prefer.

 Information on the route and how to sign up can be found at the event website and information on our work with young people at

 Many thanks in advance for your kind attention to this email. We would be delighted if you were able to help us recruit more riders for this amazing ride, the halow250. Please do let me know if you would be able to assist us in any way.

 With our very best wishes,


 Hannah Adair

Fundraising and Communications