Rastatt cycling trip

Many years ago, Rico Signore and Geoff Smith organised a twinning trip with Rastatt in Germany, and those who were fortunate enough to go will recall it as an unforgettable experience.

That city are now planning a very special tour next year to celebrate their 50th such event, and again have invited friends from Woking, as well as their other twin town of Ostrov in the Czech Republic.  The plan is for the tour to take place from 29th August to 10th September 2018, and the invitation is for 3 cyclists from our club, plus a car driver to provide support.  The tour will start with a special welcome in Rastatt, followed the next day with a drive to Orange in France, another twin town.  There will be another welcome in Orange, for those who have recovered sufficiently from the night before.

The cycling starts the following day from the triumphal arch in Orange, with 7 stages of approx. 150-160 kms per day, to Fano, Rastatt’s partner city in Italy.  There will be a rest day before the drive back home.

This should be a very special trip, and the organisers are even seeking European funding; don’t worry, we would still qualify, I am sure, despite Brexit.

If anyone is interested, please contact Rico who will put you in touch with the organisers.

John Murdoch

Ladies cycling jersey

It has been pointed out that the only ladies jersey available is the sport fit, which is described as unisex, and therefore may well not be ideal for ladies. I have therefore added another item to the list of clothing available, being:-
Ladies short sleeve pro fit jersey, 3/4 zip  Price £43  Sizes S1 to S10 (see Owayo website for full details)
The pro fit is more expensive than the sport fit, but I have applied a similar level of discount.  The pro fit is also a more snug fit, we have had one previous order for this item (in 2015), at size S7, and if you are concerned about sizing I can put you in touch with that purchaser, if you e-mail me to let me know.
If you wish to order this item, please e-mail me by the deadline, this Sunday, 19th November.
John Murdoch

Club clothing – update

As a result of popular demand, another product has been added to the list of available clothing items in Club colours.  This is Men’s 3/4 length bib tights in Pro fit (tighter than Sport), priced at £60 for club members, and with sizes available being 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12; see Owayo website for full details on sizing.
If you would like to order this product, please e-mail me (johnmatsouthview@btinternet.com) by this weekend latest, stating size.
John Murdoch

Club clothing order

A quick reminder that the very final date for placing an order for club clothing is this Sunday, 19th November; see the blog post of 20th October.
The cost of individual orders is prohibitive, which is the reason why we order in batches; once this order has been placed it may be some time before demand is sufficient to warrant another batch order, so if you want some more kit, I suggest you order now.  You will see that generous Club discounts have been made available.
Please e-mail me if you have any queries.
John Murdoch

Group 2 Coast Ride November 1st

Group 2 Coast Ride November 1st.

For a number of reasons, I have had to change the details of the Wednesday ride (1st Nov).

Meet Normandy Crossroads at 9am – different time!
Coffee will be at The Chocolate Frog, Oakhanger 22 miles
Lunch will be at The 5 Bells Buriton another 14 miles
Reaching Havant 13 miles later.

Train ride back direct to Guildford and Woking from Havant every 15 minutes.