It is now less than 5 weeks to the Tour of the Hills, our big event of the year.  As always, it requires a number of marshals to man the control points, and enable the event to take place.  Please volunteer your services, by e-mailing me (, specifying whether you have a preference for your control times – early 9.00 to 11.00, middle 10.30 to 16.00, and late 12.30 to 18.00.  Those times are approximate, and do not mean that you will be required for the entire time.  Early volunteers will be given priority for their preference.A number of regulars have volunteered in recent years, which is much appreciated, but it would also be really good to welcome others who have not marshalled before.  It is not an onerous task, you will be given full instruction, and it will involve you in the club as well as supporting the organisers of this prestigous event which is so important to us, not least financially (therefore benefitting members generally). I look forward to hearing from you.