cycling in Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire and beyond…..
Phil Gasson – new ride leader
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With the increasing popularity of the Midweek Wayfarers rides, there is a need to ensure that there are sufficient ride leaders available every Wednesday. This is a responsible job, although personally one which I find very enjoyable as well, and thankfully a number of experienced riders have volunteered their services in the past few months.
The latest recruit is Phil Gasson, and I had the great pleasure of formally welcoming him as a new ride leader at the start of yesterday’s ride. I am sure that you will enjoy it as much as I do, Phil.
Thank you John for your kind words at yesterdays start.
I must however acknowledge the marvelous support given to me by my fellow riders over the past year and in particular the valued help and sound advice offered by Louise, John, Neil and Laurie. I now look forward to leading future rides and can promise rides along country lanes avoiding main roads wherever possible. Like John I have a passion for maps and relish the challenge of preparing interesting rides and finding new routes.
Finally I would also take this opportunity of thanking you for laughing at some of my terrible jokes. Unfortunately, now I’m a leader, I’m afraid there could be worse to come!
Thank you John for your kind words at yesterdays start.
I must however acknowledge the marvelous support given to me by my fellow riders over the past year and in particular the valued help and sound advice offered by Louise, John, Neil and Laurie. I now look forward to leading future rides and can promise rides along country lanes avoiding main roads wherever possible. Like John I have a passion for maps and relish the challenge of preparing interesting rides and finding new routes.
Finally I would also take this opportunity of thanking you for laughing at some of my terrible jokes. Unfortunately, now I’m a leader, I’m afraid there could be worse to come!