cycling in Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire and beyond…..
Letter to Surrey CC
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Derek Ridyard has sent this letter to Surrey County Council regarding opportunities for action to improve safe passage for cyclists during the current crisis. (click image to view letter)
Here is the response received to the WSCC letter from Tim Oliver:
From: Tim Oliver
Subject: Safe Passage for Cyclists
Date: 10 June 2020 at 08:15:16 BST
To: “‘'”
Dear Mr Ridyard
Thank you for your letter dated 21 May, on behalf of the West Surrey Cycling Club, I apologies for the delay in responding.
I am happy to confirm that Surrey County Council is committed to the objective of “more people cycling more safely”. This supports our Community Vision for 2030 which includes the following ambitions for places:
• Residents live in clean, safe and green communities, where people and organisations embrace their environmental responsibilities.
• Journeys across the county are easier, more predictable and safer.
The effect that the COVID19 pandemic has had on travel and transport in our county has been profound. There is a dramatic reduction in traffic and many people have enjoyed experiencing the quiet, and reduction in air pollution in their neighbourhoods. There have been many examples of households exploring their local areas through walking and cycling, sometimes for the first time as part of their daily exercise. As a council we are already thinking carefully about the recovery phase, and how we can build upon the positive changes in behaviour to support more active and sustainable travel in the longer term.
The county council is working with Surrey’s borough and district councils, county councillors and other partners to identify locations where improved spaces for walkers and cyclists would help support the Governments proposals. This includes town centres and other shopping areas, where wider pavements would give people confidence to return to the shops and support our high streets, particularly as shops start to reopen in the coming weeks.
Plans are progressing in Farnham and Reigate to use as pilot schemes
We have received a large number of suggestions from other councils, residents and community groups, which we are considering in line with the indicative budgets that have been announced by the Government.
As we move forward with proposals we will be adding information to our website and searching for Active Travel
Further to Derek’s letter, on 5th June Cycling UK publicised a UK wide map/tool in their weekly Cycleclips newsletter under the heading “Widen My Path”. The map allows you to add suggestions for tactical infrastructure improvements to help create safe space for social distancing for cycling and walking which can then be sent to your local council. Collectively given our regular riding and commuting in the area we must have a wealth of improvement ideas that could be added. It doesn’t take long (much quicker than “Fillthathole”) and even quicker to agree with any suggestions already added. Please can I encourage you to take a look and add your suggestions to help our councils take action.
Here is the response received to the WSCC letter from Tim Oliver:
From: Tim Oliver
Subject: Safe Passage for Cyclists
Date: 10 June 2020 at 08:15:16 BST
To: “‘'”
Dear Mr Ridyard
Thank you for your letter dated 21 May, on behalf of the West Surrey Cycling Club, I apologies for the delay in responding.
I am happy to confirm that Surrey County Council is committed to the objective of “more people cycling more safely”. This supports our Community Vision for 2030 which includes the following ambitions for places:
• Residents live in clean, safe and green communities, where people and organisations embrace their environmental responsibilities.
• Journeys across the county are easier, more predictable and safer.
The effect that the COVID19 pandemic has had on travel and transport in our county has been profound. There is a dramatic reduction in traffic and many people have enjoyed experiencing the quiet, and reduction in air pollution in their neighbourhoods. There have been many examples of households exploring their local areas through walking and cycling, sometimes for the first time as part of their daily exercise. As a council we are already thinking carefully about the recovery phase, and how we can build upon the positive changes in behaviour to support more active and sustainable travel in the longer term.
The county council is working with Surrey’s borough and district councils, county councillors and other partners to identify locations where improved spaces for walkers and cyclists would help support the Governments proposals. This includes town centres and other shopping areas, where wider pavements would give people confidence to return to the shops and support our high streets, particularly as shops start to reopen in the coming weeks.
Plans are progressing in Farnham and Reigate to use as pilot schemes
We have received a large number of suggestions from other councils, residents and community groups, which we are considering in line with the indicative budgets that have been announced by the Government.
As we move forward with proposals we will be adding information to our website and searching for Active Travel
Yours sincerely
Tim Oliver
Further to Derek’s letter, on 5th June Cycling UK publicised a UK wide map/tool in their weekly Cycleclips newsletter under the heading “Widen My Path”. The map allows you to add suggestions for tactical infrastructure improvements to help create safe space for social distancing for cycling and walking which can then be sent to your local council. Collectively given our regular riding and commuting in the area we must have a wealth of improvement ideas that could be added. It doesn’t take long (much quicker than “Fillthathole”) and even quicker to agree with any suggestions already added. Please can I encourage you to take a look and add your suggestions to help our councils take action.