Although government restrictions have been removed, and many of the health risks associated with Covid have eased, the virus is still circulating widely and a number of club members have suffered from Covid infections in recent weeks.  When infection does strike, its impact on health and wellbeing is often very unpleasant, and can in some cases be dangerous.  

Ultimately, everyone must take personal responsibility for the risks they are prepared to take when mixing with others, but the committee has decided that we should take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of infection whilst on club rides.  With that in mind, we have agreed that the following rules should apply to WSCC rides:

Please do not attend club rides if any one or more of the following applies:

  • You are testing positive for Covid;
  • You are at risk of infection from sharing a house with someone who is testing positive for Covid (even if you yourself are testing negative – the early stages of infection are often not detected by LFTs); or
  • You exhibit any of the cold and flu-like symptoms associated with Covid infection (sore throats, coughing, high temperature etc.)

We anticipate that these rules, which are designed to protect all members, will need to remain in place for the foreseeable future.  Your cooperation is appreciated.

WSCC Committee

March 2022