image1The Tour of the Hills event, held yearly in August at Shere and brilliantly organised by Don Gray, is the major source of funding for the West Surrey CTC.  Such funding is essential as it allows our club to partially subsidise a wide variety of things which are dear to us, from the purchase of club shirts, an occasional CTC membership for a member in need, first aid training for ride leaders, refreshments at AGM or club events, etc.

I have thoroughly enjoyed assisting Don by organising the catering for the 160 plus riders we typically get but alas this position of “Catering Big Cheese” will likely become vacant in 2016.  Not much to it:

  • recruiting the best volunteers for the job (already a fantastic crew of 6 on hand!)
  • purchasing the food a few days prior to the event and delivering it to the hall on the day
  • overseeing the catering operation on the day
  • providing audit paperwork for all expenditures to the club Treasurer on completion

If anyone is willing to learn the ropes on how it is done, now is the time to step forward and watch the action live by dropping in for a few hours at Shere Village Hall on 16 August 2015.  Interested in this truly fun and rewarding job?  Please contact Louise Gagnon at

  1. Thanks for being in touch Mark. Enjoy the West country!

  2. Really sorry I won’t be there to help this year, Louise. My thoughts will be with you all as Susan and I pedal around the West Country heavily laden with camping gear (not to mention the spare hair dryer!)