Buzz rides? Yes, shorter, harder, and faster Sunday morning rides for those who are “time poor” due to family/career responsibilities and therefore can only afford a 3 hour outing. We are planning on starting such twice monthly rides in March 2014 but first we had to iron out the bugs. And thus 7 of us departed Guildford at 9 AM on our fast machines. We finished at 11:30 AM after a great 36 mile ride at an average pace of 13 MPH, including 700 meters of elevation. Much feedback was gathered at the coffee stop following the ride; thanks everyone! All we need now is to secure the participation of enough Ride Leaders, preferably on a roster basis so that a leader only leads once every 6 weeks or so. Interested in ride leading Buzz Rides? You don’t need to currently be a Ride Leader- we’ll sort that out. Please give me a shout at
L to R:
Pat Daffran, Louise Gagnon, Phil Hamilton, John Child, Ron Griffin and Gillian Spencer (Photographer: Jules Lowe).
Pat Daffran, Louise Gagnon, Phil Hamilton, John Child, Ron Griffin and Gillian Spencer (Photographer: Jules Lowe).