Louise Gagnon writes…. A Wednesday ride being postponed to Thursday? Now this is most unusual but a good call that the Group Leader of the Woking Midweek Wayfarers, John Murdoch, saw fit to make given the abysmal weather forecast on Met Office and BBC news right up to 9:30 AM yesterday. A disappointment I am sure for the unlucky few who could not re-schedule and ride with us today. All in all a fantastic day, complete with:
- bright sun and 21C (cool shades essential)
- a fantastic bunch of 13 riders working as a team
- a little historical visit and briefing at the former Royal Canadian Air Force Station Dunsfold
- circumventing Guildford for 54 miles, hence the ride name of Backyard Bliss 54 (see Garmin Connect link: http://connect.garmin.com/course/6816542
- trying out Chris Juden’s technique of “human signposting”; everyone loved it. Makes for a smooth flowing, uninterrupted ride and provided some rotation for riders. Still, we could not stop Brian King laughing with any riders; no rotation could keep him subdued (refreshing exuberance; well done Brian!).
- a nice finish with a 3 mile “race” from West Horsley to Ripley, won by Ian Pickering, one of our new bees. But what really, truly made the day was the constant blend of laughter and the huge inclination to have a blast of safe fun out there. Thanks everyone; it truly was 54 miles of “Backyard Bliss!
Canadian Spitfire ground crew at Royal Canadian Air Force Station Dunsfold, circa 1943
I was delighted to see the Wednesday Woking Midweek Wayfarers ride had been moved to Thursday – I hastily checked my calendar to see if I could join in the fun – but alas it said I still work full-time. http://www.caniaffordretirement.com couldn’t help either. Brian King – you can just wipe that smile off your face and pass on the “retirement count down clock”.
Good to see you all having fun with your top leader.
What a bunch of wimps – postponing a ride because of a dodgy weather forecast. Us Farnham riders did no such thing and carried on our scheduled Wednesday ride as if nothing was amiss – albeit without a leader. Although the day was driech and cool, the worst rain fell during our coffee stop at Odiham and lunch stop at Herriard. We did get a bit wet leaving the pub, but by the time we got back to Farnham, the sun was shining and we were completely dry and a bit miffed at coming home so early.