LLouise Gagnonouise Gagnon writes . . . .




7 AM: Don Gray, the ToTH “gros fromage”(big cheese), is already hard at work.


7:15 AM: Louise offloading £350 worth of groceries. That’s the quietest the kitchen will be all day.


8:40 AM: Riders start trickling into the Shere Village Hall


9 AM: Riders registering, having a cup of strong coffee and why not, a little pre-event stretch.


9:40 AM: Getting ready to start while Laurie Mutch, a Marshall on John Murdoch’s team, looks on.


9:45 AM: More riders with itchy feet while Don, his father and Peter wonder aloud where they have put the starter pistol. So much for entrusting this to former pilots!

9:47 AM: It’s a go!


9: 49 AM: “Heidi, my darling, so sorry for the late change of plans. Those legs are on fire!”


9:50 AM: They’re off! Don, happy after all to have had his Boy Scout whistle as a backup.


10:30 AM: Riders have gone. Dane entertains Jules with some hilarious GPS stories before scooting off on marshall duties.


10:35 AM: Phil Hamilton going home after helping out with registration.


11:30 AM: The catering team, minutes before the tsunami of riders glide in for their Stage 2 grub. (Back row: Lynette Jeggo, Brian King, Hilary Stevenson, Jules Lowe. Front row: Heidi Vinson, Louise Gagnon, Mark Waters).


11:40 AM: Peter Hackman caught red handed by a security camera. Seen grabbing a sandwich before heading to his marshalling check point.


1:30 PM: Riders rushing in for a bite at the halfway point.


Nick Davison oscillating between the banana butty and the chocolate power bars; so much choice!.

5 PM: Don still crunching numbers. 138 very satisfied Audax riders; another success for West Surrey CTC!.




  1. Well done Louise and your team of helpers. The food and tea were excellent. I never thought I could have stopped half way round as we took this ride/race far too seriously.

  2. I put in a sad face icon in the previous entry but this was removed plus the remainder of my entry. Went on to say how the pictures gave me a real flavour of the event and thanks to Louise for posting them. Best wishes to all.

  3. So sorry I wasn’t able to help or ride this year