I hope you are all keeping active and well during the current lockdown. Let’s hope it will soon be possible to meet up again on club rides.

In the meantime, here’s a quick update on club kit. The latest order has been delivered, with a handful of items still awaiting collection. In addition, we have some items either in stock or available from members, as follows:

Short sleeve jersey.   M, L, XL, 2XL.    £45.00
Long sleeve jersey.    L, XL.    £55.25
Gilet.   M, L, XL.    £50.40

These are all men’s sizes, but due to the very small sizing of the short sleeve jerseys it’s worth noting that the M and L sizes are much more likely to be a good fit for women members.

Due to an error made by Alé in fulfilling the latest order, there is also a potential opportunity for us to make some extra orders of the short sleeve jerseys and gilets. If you are interested in this, and none of the above sizes is right for you, please let me know as soon as possible and it might be possible to add your requirements to a special top-up order.
