Tour of the Hills August 2024 Report

The 42nd edition of TOTH took place on Sunday 11 August. We had a hot and humid day with sunshine, blue skies and temperatures climbing to the high 20s by the time the riders reached the last climb on Barhatch Lane. 

Maybe that’s not the ideal way to finish a route that climbs 2,200 metres across a 120km course, but we had few complaints! Thanks to the superb response we received again from club members who volunteered as checkpoint marshals and in the hall and kitchen, the event was once again a great success for the club. You might have seen already the pics and write-up that Alison posted on the club’s Instagram account at


Entries were 20-30 down on 2023, but still well above the 2022 level. We had 113 web entries for TOTH and a further handful on the day. After a fair number of no-shows, this translated to 90 who actually started the ride and 73 who completed the course. The first two back in the hall were women riders, but even the boys eventually got round and all but one of the finishers completed the course within the maximum time allowed by Audax (8 hours).

As well as a good contingent of Audax regulars, we attracted a healthy group of riders from local clubs (Dorking, Charlotteville, Cranleigh, Epsom, Bella Velo, plus a very colour-coordinated group from Waldy Wheelers in Teddington). There were also several from much further afield including one who contacted me from his home in New York City a few days before the event and duly turned up in Shere – he even said he’d be back next year! Thankfully, no serious incidents or accidents were reported, though there were some cuts and bruises which were expertly dealt with back in the hall, thanks to Helen Stewart.

Unusually, there were no regular WSCC riders who signed up this year, though we did have an unexpectedly good turnout of 13 intrepid riders for the Wednesday G5 group who tested the course just prior to the event.

Although this is by no means an easy ride, it was great to see the wide variety of cyclists who signed up the TOTH challenge. As well as some extremely fit youngsters it was impressive (and heartening) to observe that ‘experience’ can also get you over the line, and in very respectable finish times.

There were also 17 riders who signed up for the Greensand ride (“TOTH-lite”), a 50km route that takes in a more manageable 700m of ascent. David Ross and John Child led two WSCC groups on the Greensand, and once again it was nice to see a substantial group from Woking CC, organised and led by Kevin Hawken. 


About 30% of TOTH entrants were Audax UK members – the same as in previous years. We increased all the prices a bit this year: the TOTH entry price was set at £15 (£20 for on the day entries); and the Greensand entry price was just £5. Looking at the prices charged for other Audax events, and considering how much we provide in terms of food, drinks and marshalling support, this is excellent value for money.

The accounts have not yet been finalised, but with the higher entry prices compensating for the fall in rider numbers we should generate a healthy surplus for the club from this year’s event. We rely on TOTH for the vast majority of the club’s annual income, so a successful event will help to fund WSCC activities such as first aid training – good news for all of us.

Event Publicity and Sales

We publicised the event through:

  • The Audax magazine and web site;
  • Emails sent to a wide selection of British Cycling affiliated clubs; 
  • Posters in various bike shops and cafés (and a couple on outdoor bike racks);
  • TOTH business cards that we distributed to cyclists at cafés etc; and
  • Increased use of Facebook and Instagram thanks to the efforts of Alison Warren.

We now have a pretty good idea of what combination of factors works, thanks to diligent market research conducted in the hall by Matt Carolan. Some local clubs actively promote the event to their members, and if we can find ways to encourage others to do the same we could improve the local take-up.


I say this every year, but we had a really wonderful response from club members to take on the many jobs required to get the event moving – a team of 25 or so all played a part and, as in prior years, the response was so good we even had the luxury of a few reserves.

Jill once again managed the catering this year and did a fantastic job. With shifts from the volunteers in the kitchen (Helen and David, Heidi, Debbie, Jeremy, Russell and Mark) everything fell into place and we delivered the now-customary high standard of nutrition with a smile – much appreciated by the riders. The catering team even found time to lay on a lavish birthday celebration for Clive when he showed up for his marshalling duties.

Nick Moses coordinated the marshalling effort, with help out on the road from Ian, Gustavo, Peter, Brendan, Roy, Penny, Ian, Liz, Bill, Martin, Alan, Clive and Chris on the 6 checkpoint desks, and Maggi volunteered once more for first checkpoint duties on Dunley Hill.  Many riders back in the hall commented on the cheery good luck messages they received, along with bananas and jelly baby supplies, from our volunteers. We did get caught out with a shortage of water at the first checkpoint – to be noted for next year.

Back in the hall I also received valuable support in checking the riders in and out from Nick M, Nick F (who also took charge of on the day entries as well as the Greensand riders and did a long turn outside the hall keeping a watchful eye on the bikes) and Matt Carolan. After last year’s very worrying bike theft, this year thankfully passed without incident.

Rider feedback

One of the great joys of helping with TOTH is the fantastic positive feedback that our volunteers receive from the riders. With its legendary refreshment options (and some challenging hills), but mostly due to the infectious good spirits of WSCC volunteers, TOTH really does seem to have a profile that sets it apart from other Audax rides, and it offers an experience a cut above the average commercial sportive (at a fraction of the price). Here’s a selection of the comments:

A brief note to say a big thank you to all concerned for such a brilliantly organised and supported ride yesterday. You really should congratulate yourselves on not putting a foot wrong. Thanks so much for a great day!

Very many thanks to you all for a superbly organised day .  All much appreciated- even the hills! I know from experience that these events take a lot of time and commitment from many people.

As always, a very well-organised event, fantastic food and a challenging route! Thank you to all the volunteers for creating such a lovely atmosphere.

Many thanks to you and all your team for making last Sunday such an enjoyable event. Especially those at controls who stood in the sun waiting for all the riders to show up, and supplied them with vital supplies of water and jelly babies. Must be one of the best catered Audaxes in the calendar too.

I just wanted to thank you and all the helpers for a great event today. Such a lively atmosphere and all the volunteers at each check point were so cheerful and friendly.

Thanks so much everyone, it was fab as always ??

Many thanks to you and all the volunteers who made this such a fun day.

PS. Well done on arranging a beautiful sunny day, but could you perhaps turn down the temperature just a couple of degrees next year?

Great route and volunteering crew ?

great event – route, organisation, food – all top notch.

Next year?

After last year’s TOTH, we decided to create an Events sub-committee, which comprises, Jill, Alison W, Neil, John C, Jo and me. That has worked pretty well, and enabled us to bring back the Elstead Audax rides in June this year as well as coordinating some of the marketing effort across the two events. It’s always healthy to bring new ideas and energy into these initiatives, and the club’s ability to sustain these events depends on having a variety of people involved, so if any club member is interested in joining the Events team, please do get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!

Meanwhile, I’ve requested a booking for TOTH at Shere Village Hall on Sunday 3 August 2025 (though we have also asked for 10 August as a back-up) so please SAVE THE DATE and stand by to do it all again! 
