Out of The Shadows – forthcoming gigs



The band I perform with (Out of the Shadows) has a number of autumn gigs in the diary and I am aware that there are a number of WSCC members that have expressed an interest to Martin and/or me in coming along.  Obviously plans have to remain flexible given the unknown challenges Covid may present, but assuming people are comfortable with being indoors we currently have the following dates scheduled:

Sat 9th Oct    Elstead Village Hall 19:30   (£25 with a fish and chip supper) in aid of Chiks ( A Farnham based charity providing orphanage care to children overseas).

Fri 19th Nov  Camberley Masonic Lodge  19:30 (Probably £15 entry) in aid of Muscular Dystrophy.

Sat 4th Dec    Ash Victoria Hall  19:30 (Probably £15 entry) in aid of Alzheimer’s Society & Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.

These are all charity events so the more people attending the merrier (and better) it will be for the various charities. Some are still in the planning stages – but at least people can see when/where the gigs will be and can put dates in the diary if they’d like to come!  It would be great to have a WSCC contingent and make a social evening of it like we did back in 2019 in Camberley.  60s costumes always welcome 🙂

If anybody would like tickets please drop me an email (heidivinson747@gmail.com) and I can let the relevant people know details nearer the time.

Looking forward to seeing some of you again soon.

Kind regards