Wednesday’s grade 3 and 4 ride

The planned ride this Wednesday for the grades 3 and 4 is advertised as being a mainly off road ride down the Downs Link to Shoreham.  This was suggested by a club member as providing some further variation in our programme, and with the weather set fair and looking as though it will remain hot, the section along the old railway line will no doubt provide some welcome shade.  However, I recognise that such a ride will not appeal to all, and therefore Peter Hackman has kindly arranged an alternative on road ride for the grade 4’s with coffee at Stansted House (PO9 6DX) , and thereafter via the Itchenor Ferry to Dell Quay; should be glorious but take sun screen.  Please see his e-mail for further details, or contact me direct.
It may be that no-one will favour the Downs Link ride, so if you plan to attend that one, please e-mail me ( to let me know; if I get just one positive response then I will be there.
John Murdoch

Tour of the Hills 21st August – Marshals required

The Tour of the Hills on 21st August is our major event of the year, and the one for which the support of members is essential.  One basic requirement is to have sufficient marshals to man all the required points along the route.  I therefore require volunteers for this role, please contact me as soon as you can if you are able to help, e-mailing me on  It is not necessary to have previous experience, indeed it would be nice to have wider support, perhaps from newer members, and not rely solely on those who have contributed so much over previous years.  When volunteering, please specify your preference e.g. early, late control; location – closer to Guildford or further away; the earlier you volunteer the more likely it will be that I will be able to accommodate your preferences.  Naturally, the more volunteers I receive, the lighter will be the demands on individuals.
Please support your Club – I look forward to hearing from you.
John Murdoch

G3 ride 29 June

Due to the rain forecast tomorrow the G3 ride has been postponed until the following day.

Hope to see you in Micheldever on Thursday, same time.

Chris Williamson