Today’s Woking Midweek Ride (30 November)

In view of the bitterly cold conditions, the consequent risk of ice, and the patchy freezing fog, I have decided to delay the start of today’s ride until 10.45.  We will then head straight to lunch, with no coffee stop, and plan to be back well before dark when the temperatures are again set to plummet.  It should be sunny but still very cold through the middle of the day.
An e-mail has been sent to all those who have signed up for announcements regarding this group.

AGM Report

The Club’s AGM was held on 29th October. The existing officers and committee were re-elected. Bob McLeod was elected Vice President as Rico Signore stepped down
Discussion of the pros and cons of Affiliated Membership to CUK [in place of existing Member Group to CUK] was discussed at length, with a straw poll indicating two to one against this possible change.

Green Man

On Sunday (30 Oct) I decided to go exploring and took a train out into Hampshire.  I found this:

Green Man

which was completely new to me.  I thought I had cycled through this village before, but a very long time ago, so maybe before this green man had been created.  Or maybe I’d never been there.  Anyway, how many of you know which village this is?  There are lovely quiet lanes in all directions.