West Surrey Cycling Club
The Constitution of the Club (updated April 2023)
These Rules are to be read in conjunction with the Cycling UK requirements for Member Groups and in the case of conflict the latter will apply.
1. Name and composition
The name of the Group shall be the “West Surrey Cycling Club” hereinafter referred to as the “Group”. Members of the Group shall comprise Cycling UK members in such defined groups or geographical area as the Group Committee and Cycling UK together may determine from time to time.
2. The Purpose of the Group is:
a) to assist Cycling UK members to meet and join in cycling activities organised and led by the Group and to help promote the policies and objectives of Cycling UK generally.
b) to conduct its activities free of charge except for such costs as may be appropriate for specific activities, events or publications.
3. Organisation
a) The Group’s activities shall be managed by the Group Committee and its elected officers.
b) The Group’s activities may be carried on by any informal group or groups whom the Group Committee shall from time to time agree may operate under its over- arching management and financial responsibility on the understanding that no activity conducted by such informal group(s) shall place the Group or its Committee in breach of these Rules or the policies and objectives of Cycling UK generally.
4. Group Committee
a) The Committee shall comprise a maximum of 8 members including the following:
– Chair
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– Rides Secretary
– such other members and officers as the Committee shall determine in order to meet its own requirements and those of Cycling UK.
b) The Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Rides Secretary and other members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
c) The Committee may fill casual vacancies and may appoint such sub-committees and delegate thereto such of its powers as it may decide from time to time.
d) A quorum for any meeting of the Committee shall be formed when not less than three members, of which one is the Chair or Secretary, are present.
5 . Duties of Group Committee Officers
a) The duties of the Chair shall be to preside at each meeting of the Committee and at the Annual General Meeting and to facilitate the efficient and correct conduct of the meeting as laid out in these Rules.
b) The duties of the Secretary shall include:
i) the convening of meetings in accordance with these Rules
ii) the preparation of minutes of all Committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting
iii) submit nominations for new ride leaders and event volunteers to CUK for registration.
iv) record rider incident reports and submit to CUK
c) The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
i) to hold and account for the monies collected in the name of the Group
ii) to prepare the Group’s annual statement of accounts for audit and presentation to its Annual General Meeting
iii) to discharge duties in accordance with Cycling UK requirements as laid down from time to time
6. Meetings
a) The Group shall hold an annual general meeting of its members in April or early May each year and details sent to the Groups Officer at Cycling UK four weeks in advance of the meeting. The business of the annual general meeting shall be:
i) to receive and, if approved, adopt the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts.
ii) to elect members of the Group Committee and an honorary auditor who shall not be a member of the Committee. All nominations shall be by email or in writing, bearing the names of the nominee, proposer and seconder, all of whom must be Cycling UK members attached to the Group. If insufficient nominations are received prior to the Meeting then nominations may be taken from the floor. In the event of a contest an election shall be determined by ballot of those present at the Meeting.
iii) to elect a President (whose election shall be for a period of not more than five years) in recognition of special or outstanding contribution to the Group but whose position per se shall be entirely honorary and have no formal duties.
iv) to consider any notices of motions which shall have been submitted by members in writing to the Group Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting.
b) A Special General Meeting may be convened:
i) by resolution of the Group Committee or
ii) on receipt by the Group Secretary of a written request signed by at least ten members of the Group.
Notice of a special general meeting shall be notified to Cycling UK in one of the two months before the date of the meeting. The notice shall state the business for which the meeting is called. No business other than that stated in the notice may be transacted.
Any business done at a general meeting with less than ten members present shall be subject to ratification by Cycling UK.
All voting for the election of Committee, President as well as motions shall be on the basis of a simple majority with the Chair of the Committee having the casting vote.