Somehow I’ve managed never to visit this tucked away spot before, despite its being only a few miles from several of our regular watering holes.  Do you know where it is?

DSC04895 waterfall


  1. Spot on, Phil. The grid ref. is 136460. If you look at the 1:25000 OS map, which you can do on Bing maps, you can see that the waterfall is fed from a leat which takes water from the Tilling Bourne about 800m higher up the valley, near Tilling Springs.

    • Thanks for the info Chris, I will try and make a point of visiting. Was this where group 2 went on Wednesday?

      • Yes. It’s a two or three hundred metre walk from the tarmac along a public footpath and private road with several signs saying “no cyclists”.
        The two of us had lunch at ‘The Stephan Langton’ at Friday Street, which was good.

    • Wow, I am pleasantly surprised as I recall first seeing this interesting feature on a walk with my kids many years ago, possible more than 30 as my youngest is 40 on Wednesday!
      Very interesting to learn about the leat, I must try and locate it one day.

  2. Love this game! No, I haven’t been there. I have (I think) found out where it is… 🙂

  3. Lovely photo.
    ? slightly north of Broadmore into the Tilling Bourne.